I want to offer up a big thank you to all the women in my
Tuesday morning bible study. Most of
the women with the exception of the new ones, who have joined us these past
couple of weeks, know how much I love watching and discussing current events as
well as biblical prophecy.
Last week they were so gracious and willing to put aside
our study of John and focus on some current events. Believe it not we ended up looking at some
passages in the book of Ezekiel. Lots of
good stuff in Ezekiel. Talking about
current events and the book of Ezekiel were not what I planned on doing;
however, God had different plans. It was
such a blessing to be led by the Spirit and cover current events that are
happening worldwide and to see that all fifteen of us share that same interest. It was because of this discussion about
current events that I was able to get my thoughts down on paper and put them
the blog. I have had the title for this
blog for some time but just could not get anything down in writing. I think a big part of that is because there
is so much happening so quickly that it is overwhelming and quite difficult to
try to keep it short.
As I thought about our discussion, I was thinking about why
pastors do not teach about the second coming of Christ. Most churches every year teach about the
first coming of Christ but not the second. Why is that?
Why not teach from the book of Revelation where we are told in Chapter 1
verse 3 - "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy,
and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the
time is near." Why do most churches
not teach about the coming judgment of Christ?
I believe it is because of what the Word of God says that in the end
days people will not want sound doctrine but will want to have their ears
tickled. In other words, they will only
want to hear the easy and uplifting things.
Why aren't most pastors teaching their flock how to prepare and be ready
for the more difficult times that are sure to be coming? Is it because they don't want to offend
anyone? Is it politically incorrect to
do so? Could this lack of teaching be
why the church is so powerless today because we have stepped back from teaching
the full council of God for fear of offending and being politically wrong by
doing so?
As we know things are rapidly deteriorating. Sin is rampant worldwide. Sin is no longer a
word that is used or taught about in most churches today. It seems that almost
nothing is considered sin any longer.
REALLY??? Hmmm!
Economies around the globe are collapsing, cities are declaring
bankruptcy, and countries including the US are trying to force Israel to divide
their God-given land. If you are a
student of God's Word, you know, that is a big "NO NO". In Zechariah 12:9, we are told - "And on
that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."
The bible is very clear that a nation
that blesses Israel will be blessed and a nation that curses Israel will be
cursed. The more the US tries to force Israel to divide her land, the more
America will suffer the consequences.
There is fear and panic is everywhere. Unemployment is still high. The unemployment rates rose in 90% of US
cities the Labor Dept. said on Tuesday, July 30, 2013.
The housing market is still in the slump and rentals are at
an all time high. The "American Dream" is slipping, as home ownership
is at an 18 year low. US rents hit
record highs according to the latest quarterly homeownership data released by
the Census Bureau.
The focus of the meeting with John Kerry and the Israelis
and Palestinians is about the land of Israel and Israel building homes on their
God given land. Compare that to what is happening
with the Americans and their homes. The
economic meltdown in America is hurting the young. It is this generation that for the most part,
not all, are for abortion, homosexuality, drugs and have no use for Jesus in
their lives. Many cannot find jobs and
make it on their own. They have no
choice but to live with their parents after college.
Here's another example of what happens to a country that
comes against Israel. An article came out
a week or so ago entitled EU Tightens Economic Restrictions on Israel. A week later another article comes out
entitled Europe is Cracking Apart...Are You Ready for a Crash? As a country does to Israel, so God does to
that country. Don't mess with God's
people or be prepared to suffer at the hands of the Almighty God.
People are searching for peace and hope and yet find
neither in the things this world offers.
Many have chosen the "Way of the World" instead of the "Way
of the Word" only to find out the world truly offers no hope nor does it
offer peace.
I cannot help but think of the words from book of Daniel
12:8-11 -"I (Daniel) heard, but I did not understand. (He heard a
conversation between someone and the man clothed in linen...this is in his
vision.) Then I (Daniel), said, "O
my lord, what shall be the outcome of these things? He said, Go your way Daniel, for the words
are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves and make
themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but
those who are wise shall
I want heed the words of Titus 2:11-14 which say -
"For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation for all people,
training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled,
upright and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the
appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave
himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a
people for his own possession who are zealous for good works."
It is my prayer that the Church, the Bride will purify
herself and will make herself ready to meet her Bridegroom.
I want to note the words that Joshua presented to the
Israelites in Joshua 24:14-15 - "Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him
in sincerity and in faithfulness (The Way of the Word). Put away the gods that your fathers served
beyond the River and in Egypt (The Way of the World), and serve the Lord. And, if it is evil in your eyes to serve the
Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your father served
in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you
dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Choose this day - The Way of the World or the Way of the
Word! It is your choice.
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